Day Ten: “Possibilities when it seems impossible”
When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God almighty, walk before me and be blameless. I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” (Genesis 17:1 & 2) God then changed Abram’s name to Abraham which means “father of nations”.
Read the Story: Genesis 17:1-21
For 25 years, Abram had been following God into new territory believing God’s promises to make him a great nation. The problem after 25 years was that Abram was approaching his 100th birthday and he and his wife were both well pasted the age of child bearing. The uncertainty of this situation was so tremendous that both Abram and Shari, his wife laughed at the suggestion of still having a child. They had believed the promise for many years but now when God repeated it, to them it seemed impossible.
God was faithful to His promise and a year later Sarah gave birth to a son and named him Isaac. (21:1 & 2). Sometime later, God tested Abraham telling him to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering (22:1 & 2) This was the miracle child who had been born in the face of the impossible, and now God was telling Abraham to sacrifice him as a burnt offering. This was the child whom God had promised through whom all the world would be blessed. How could this possibly be God? But in the midst of that uncertainty, Abraham believed God would raise Isaac from the dead in order to keep His promise (Hebrews 11:19). God turned uncertainty into victory by providing a lamb caught in a thicket for the sacrifice. (Genesis 28:11-18).
No matter how impossible your uncertain situation may seem, when you obey God trusting His faithfulness, He will turn it into VICTORY.
Recount the occasions of God’s faithfulness throughout your life time and allow it to build your faith for your present uncertainty. God is the God of certainties…He makes a way where there is no way. God has victory for you. He will fulfill His promise and covenant with you when you obey and trust His faithfulness.