Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 10

Day Ten: “Possibilities when it seems impossible”

When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am God almighty, walk before me and be blameless. I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers.” (Genesis 17:1 & 2) God then changed Abram’s name to Abraham which means “father of nations”.

Read the Story: Genesis 17:1-21

For 25 years, Abram had been following God into new territory believing God’s promises to make him a great nation. The problem after 25 years was that Abram was approaching his 100th birthday and he and his wife were both well pasted the age of child bearing. The uncertainty of this situation was so tremendous that both Abram and Shari, his wife laughed at the suggestion of still having a child. They had believed the promise for many years but now when God repeated it, to them it seemed impossible.

God was faithful to His promise and a year later Sarah gave birth to a son and named him Isaac. (21:1 & 2). Sometime later, God tested Abraham telling him to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering (22:1 & 2) This was the miracle child who had been born in the face of the impossible, and now God was telling Abraham to sacrifice him as a burnt offering. This was the child whom God had promised through whom all the world would be blessed. How could this possibly be God? But in the midst of that uncertainty, Abraham believed God would raise Isaac from the dead in order to keep His promise (Hebrews 11:19). God turned uncertainty into victory by providing a lamb caught in a thicket for the sacrifice. (Genesis 28:11-18).

No matter how impossible your uncertain situation may seem, when you obey God trusting His faithfulness, He will turn it into VICTORY.

Recount the occasions of God’s faithfulness throughout your life time and allow it to build your faith for your present uncertainty. God is the God of certainties…He makes a way where there is no way. God has victory for you. He will fulfill His promise and covenant with you when you obey and trust His faithfulness.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 9

Day Nine: “A journey from hopeless bondage to becoming a witness for Jesus”

His life was totally ruined by demonic activity. A legion of demons continually tormented him and drove him insane. He lived in a grave yard and no one could control him. He had often been chained hand and foot but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. Night and day he would cry out among the tombs cutting himself with stones.

Read the story: Mark 5:1-20

This man was in the throes of uncertainty. Everything in his life was out of control. He was tormented day and night. Chaos and destruction was his destiny. But on this day, Jesus entered his grave yard of uncertainty and commanded the evil spirits to come out of him. Immediately, the man was free. When the towns people came to see what had take place they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind.

The man, full of joy and thanksgiving, went throughout the Decapolis region telling everyone how Jesus had healed him and all the people were amazed. God’s victory had totally transformed this man who had lived for years out of control in bondage and uncertainty.

Memorize this verse: “You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (I John 4:4)
Each morning, as you begin your day, quote this verse to all your uncertainties and watch Jesus turn them into His pathway to victory.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 8

Day Eight: “Freedom from twelve years of disappointments”

For twelve years a woman had been suffering a condition of bleeding from which nothing she did brought relief. She suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

Read the story: Mark 5:25-34

In Bible times, this kind of condition usually resulted in the woman being divorced by her husband, as well as being ostracized from society and excommunicated from the Synagogue for being unclean, It represented many long drawn-out defeats, setbacks, and uncertainties.

She believed that if she could simply touch the hem of the garment of Jesus, she would be healed. Pushing her way through the crowd and overcoming all the obstacles that were in her way, she reached out and touched His hem. Immediately her bleeding stopped and she was freed from her suffering. The uncertainty of years without answers was instantly removed as Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free from your suffering.”

After twelve years of no help or answers, she was now free from isolation, free from being socially ostracized, free from financial ruin, free from disappointment, defeat and setbacks. All her uncertainties were dissolved. One touch of the hem of Jesus’ garment and she was forever free in His victory and grace.

Visualize yourself in a crowd with Jesus. Because the crowd is so large and everyone is trying to get close to Jesus, it appears you will not be able to get to Him. The jostling of the crowd knocks you to the ground and you fear being trampled. From the ground you use every ounce of strength you can muster to reach through the crowd and the obstacles in your way and you just barely touch the hem of Jesus’ garment. Immediately, you feel virtue flowing from him into you. Suddenly, all uncertainty is overwhelmed by His power and victory.

As you live that scene in your mind, allow the certainty of God’s loving provision to fill you with faith, joy, and praise for the freedom He is giving you.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 7

Day Seven: “Hope in the face of hopelessness”

If ever there was a time when it seemed too late for God’s victory it was when Lazarus died.

Read the story: John 11:1-44

Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, said to Jesus, “Lord if you had been here our brother would not have died.” They believed that Jesus could have healed their brother but now it was too late. When Jesus instructed them to take away the stone from the mouth of the tomb, Martha objected, “By this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” It’s too late, Jesus. We believed you could have healed him if you had been here, but by now his body has already begun to decay.

Jesus responded, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the glory of God?” In essence, Jesus was saying, my victory is never too late. It doesn’t always happen when and the way you expect, but when you trust me your uncertainties will become victories.

Jesus said with a loud voice, “Lazarus come out.” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

Wrap some strips of cloth around your arm representing the grave cloths of uncertainty. After praying for God’s victory in your uncertain situations, unwrap your arm as an expression of faith that the resurrection power of Jesus is overwhelming your uncertain circumstances leading you to God’s victory.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 6

Day Six: From Prison to National Advisor

As a young man, God had given Joseph a couple of prophetic dreams promising God’s favor and blessing upon his life. It wasn’t until several years later that the fulfillment of God’s promise became a reality

Read the story: Genesis 39-41

In the mean time, everything that could go wrong seemed to be going the opposite direction of what God had promised. Joseph’s jealous brothers sold him into Egyptian slavery. He was purchased by Potiphar who was Pharaoh’s captain of the guard. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to rape her and Potiphar had him thrown into the King’s prison. After being in prison for several years, Pharaoh’s personal chef and butler were both placed in the same prison as Joseph.

After they had been in custody for some time, they each had a dream which Joseph interpreted for them, telling them the butler would be restored to Pharaoh’s service while the chef would be beheaded. Both dreams came true in three days exactly as Joseph had predicted.

Two years later, Pharaoh had a couple of dreams which none of his wisemen could interpret. It was only then that the King’s butler remembered Joseph who was still in prison. The butler suggested to Pharaoh that perhaps Joseph could interpret his dreams since Joseph had interpreted the chef’s and his dreams a couple of years earlier. Joseph was brought in and interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams as well as advised Pharaoh what to do to save the kingdom. As a result, Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the whole land of Egypt.

Several years of uncertainty had passed since Joseph first dreamed his dreams about God’s favor and blessing upon his life. Nothing appeared favorable or a blessing to Joseph in all that time, but God had Joseph in the right place at the right time to not only save Egypt but to save Joseph’s fathers household, as well. Uncertainty was transformed into total victory fulfilling God’s promise. God’s victory is never too late!

No matter how much the circumstances of uncertainty seem to over shadow God’s promise of victory in your life, spend some time today, praising Him and thanking Him that you know His victory is never too late.