Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 6

Day Six: From Prison to National Advisor

As a young man, God had given Joseph a couple of prophetic dreams promising God’s favor and blessing upon his life. It wasn’t until several years later that the fulfillment of God’s promise became a reality

Read the story: Genesis 39-41

In the mean time, everything that could go wrong seemed to be going the opposite direction of what God had promised. Joseph’s jealous brothers sold him into Egyptian slavery. He was purchased by Potiphar who was Pharaoh’s captain of the guard. Potiphar’s wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to rape her and Potiphar had him thrown into the King’s prison. After being in prison for several years, Pharaoh’s personal chef and butler were both placed in the same prison as Joseph.

After they had been in custody for some time, they each had a dream which Joseph interpreted for them, telling them the butler would be restored to Pharaoh’s service while the chef would be beheaded. Both dreams came true in three days exactly as Joseph had predicted.

Two years later, Pharaoh had a couple of dreams which none of his wisemen could interpret. It was only then that the King’s butler remembered Joseph who was still in prison. The butler suggested to Pharaoh that perhaps Joseph could interpret his dreams since Joseph had interpreted the chef’s and his dreams a couple of years earlier. Joseph was brought in and interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams as well as advised Pharaoh what to do to save the kingdom. As a result, Pharaoh put Joseph in charge of the whole land of Egypt.

Several years of uncertainty had passed since Joseph first dreamed his dreams about God’s favor and blessing upon his life. Nothing appeared favorable or a blessing to Joseph in all that time, but God had Joseph in the right place at the right time to not only save Egypt but to save Joseph’s fathers household, as well. Uncertainty was transformed into total victory fulfilling God’s promise. God’s victory is never too late!

No matter how much the circumstances of uncertainty seem to over shadow God’s promise of victory in your life, spend some time today, praising Him and thanking Him that you know His victory is never too late.