Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 5

Day Five: “Mighty Men””

A group of exceptional warriors known as David’s Mighty Men and some of their feats are listed in II Samuel 23. Each of these mighty men confronted overwhelming uncertainty and gained incredible victories over their enemies.

Read the Story: II Samuel 23:8-23

The first Mighty Man mentioned was Josheb-Basshebeth who when facing the uncertainty of overwhelming odds being outnumbered 800 to 1, raised his spear and fought until all 800 had been defeated.

The second Mighty Man was Eleazar who faced the uncertainty of overwhelming fatigue. When others retreated, he stood his ground striking down the Philistines until his hand grew so tired that it froze to his sword.

The third Mighty Man was Shammah who faced the uncertainty of overwhelming obscurity. Israel’s troops had fled the bean field Shammah was protecting. But Shammah stood his ground in the middle of the field and defended it striking down every Philistine who entered it.

Each Mighty Man experienced a great victory for Israel by facing overwhelming uncertainties in the power of the Lord. Victory belongs to those who stand refusing to allow uncertainty to intimidate them.

The Apostle Paul writing to the Ephesians church, told them, “Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand, stand firm.” (Eph. 6:113-14)

Pick one circumstance you are facing that at the moment seems overwhelming to you. How might you apply Paul’s instructions to the Ephesians church to your circumstance so you can stand in the face of uncertainty?

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 4

Day Four: “The power of praise”

The Moabites and Ammonites joined forces to make war on Jehoshaphat and the kingdom of Judah. Physically outnumbered and over powered by the enemy’s vast army, Jehoshaphat proclaimed a national day of fasting and prayer to seek the Lord’s help and guidance.

Read the Story: II Chronicles 20:1-30

Jehoshaphat and Judah’s leaders didn’t know what to do. (v.12) But in answer to their fasting and prayer the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the prophet to encourage Judah and to give them direction. (vs. 15-17)

Judah’s uncertainty was swallowed up in faith (v.20) which resulted in Jehoshaphat sending the choir in front of the army to sing and praise God for His splendor, power and love. (v.21). As they began to sing, God set ambushes against the invading army and in their confusion they annihilated each other so that when the men of Judah arrived and they looked out over the valley, all they could see was dead bodies everywhere. (vs. 23-24).

Today, practice singing to your uncertainties. Sing of God’s splendor, power and love and watch His victory overflow the schemes of darkness which have been set against you.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 3

Day Three: “Angelic Intervention”

Hezekiah, king of Judah, did what was good and right in the sight of God and prospered for many years. In the midst of Judah’s prosperity, an enemy king, Sennacherib king of Assyria, invaded Judah threatening them with destruction.

Read the Story: II Chronicles 32:1-23

Hezekiah encouraged his people saying, “With him is only the arm of flesh but with us is the Lord our God to help us and fight our battles.” (v. 8). Sennacherib ridiculed Hezekiah’s response telling the people that Hezekiah was misleading them giving them a false hope. “Do you not know what I have done to all the people of the other lands? Were the gods of those nations ever able to deliver their lands from my hand?…Do not let Hezekiah deceive you…for no god of any nation has been able to deliver his people from my hand…How much less will your god deliver you” (vs.12-15).

In the face of this threatening uncertainty, Hezekiah prayed. (v.21). In answer to his prayer, God sent an angle who annihilated all the fighting men and officers of Assyria causing Sennacherib to go back to Assyria in disgrace where he was assassinated. (v.21).
Prayer turns uncertainty into victory!

Write a prayer to God about the uncertainties you face and trust Him to fight the battle for you. Post your written prayer in a prominent place to remind you each day that the battle is the Lord’s.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 2

Day Two: “From fiery furnace to promotion”

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three Hebrew young men who had been carried away into Babylonian captivity. King Nebuchadnezzar had made a decree that everyone in the kingdom must bow down and worship the 90 ft. golden image he had set up. The three Hebrew young men refused.

Read the story: Daniel 3:1-30

When these three Hebrews refused to worship the image, King Nebuchadnezzar was furious. In a fit of rage he threatened to throw them into a blazing furnace if they would not obey. The Hebrews replied, “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it…But even if He doesn’t we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (vs. 16-18)

In the face of an uncertain future, they understood they had victory either way. The king, carrying out his threat had the furnace heated seven times hotter and threw them into the flames. But to his amazement, he saw not three but four men walking around in the fire unharmed and the fourth was like the Son of God.

The three Hebrew young men had not only experienced victory over the king’s punishment but their victory convinced the king that the Hebrew God was the true God and instead of the Hebrews dying in a fiery furnace, the king promoted them to higher positions in his kingdom. Uncertainty gives way to promotion when we refuse to be controlled by fear trusting God’s love and faithfulness to see us through the uncertainty before us.

Instead of the fire affecting them in any way, it burned up the uncertainty they were facing. Sing a song of praise to God acknowledging that all your uncertainties are in His hands and the fire you may be going through will not destroy you but will promote you in victory.

Victory in the Face of Uncertainty – Day 1

“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). We have an enemy whose constant goal is to steal, kill, and destroy the fullness of life that Jesus purchased for us at Calvary. This series of devotionals focuses on stories of people in Scripture who maintained victory when faced with the uncertainties brought on by the strategies of darkness.

Day One: “A boomerang in a den of lions”

Daniel, living in captivity in Babylon, had distinguished himself before the king with his wisdom, knowledge, and integrity. This respect and esteem of Daniel caused jealousy among many other of the king’s officials. This jealousy drove them to plot against Daniel to discredit him and to remove him from office.

Read the Story: Daniel 6:1-28

Not being able to find anything with which to accuse Daniel, these officials connived to convince the king to make a decree that anyone who prayed to any god except the king, in the next 30 days, would be thrown into a den of lions. These men knew Daniel openly prayed three times a day to the God of heaven and they had set this trap to have him killed.

Daniel refused to be intimidated or fearful and therefore continued his daily discipline and commitment to openly pray three times a day. Consequently, Daniel was thrown into the den of lions as punishment for ignoring the king’s decree. The uncertainty of that moment must have felt overwhelming to Daniel. All he knew to do was to entrust his life to the God he loved and trusted. He didn’t know if he was going to live or die, but he knew he could trust God with the outcome either way.

God miraculously shut the mouths of the lions and delivered Daniel unharmed to the king the next morning. The king was so impressed with Daniel’s God that he had the men, who had plotted against Daniel, thrown into that same den of lions and they were instantly devoured. The destiny these men had schemed against Daniel boomeranged and became their destiny instead. Daniel’s time of uncertainty became God’s time of overwhelming victory!

Make a list of things you are facing that cause you uncertainty. Pray, turning them over to God. Thank Him that He knows best and ask Him to give you strength to trust Him no matter what.