“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). We have an enemy whose constant goal is to steal, kill, and destroy the fullness of life that Jesus purchased for us at Calvary. This series of devotionals focuses on stories of people in Scripture who maintained victory when faced with the uncertainties brought on by the strategies of darkness.
Day One: “A boomerang in a den of lions”
Daniel, living in captivity in Babylon, had distinguished himself before the king with his wisdom, knowledge, and integrity. This respect and esteem of Daniel caused jealousy among many other of the king’s officials. This jealousy drove them to plot against Daniel to discredit him and to remove him from office.
Read the Story: Daniel 6:1-28
Not being able to find anything with which to accuse Daniel, these officials connived to convince the king to make a decree that anyone who prayed to any god except the king, in the next 30 days, would be thrown into a den of lions. These men knew Daniel openly prayed three times a day to the God of heaven and they had set this trap to have him killed.
Daniel refused to be intimidated or fearful and therefore continued his daily discipline and commitment to openly pray three times a day. Consequently, Daniel was thrown into the den of lions as punishment for ignoring the king’s decree. The uncertainty of that moment must have felt overwhelming to Daniel. All he knew to do was to entrust his life to the God he loved and trusted. He didn’t know if he was going to live or die, but he knew he could trust God with the outcome either way.
God miraculously shut the mouths of the lions and delivered Daniel unharmed to the king the next morning. The king was so impressed with Daniel’s God that he had the men, who had plotted against Daniel, thrown into that same den of lions and they were instantly devoured. The destiny these men had schemed against Daniel boomeranged and became their destiny instead. Daniel’s time of uncertainty became God’s time of overwhelming victory!
Make a list of things you are facing that cause you uncertainty. Pray, turning them over to God. Thank Him that He knows best and ask Him to give you strength to trust Him no matter what.