Often when driving at night there will be reflectors, placed by the Highway Department on roadside objects, which will reflect back your car’s headlights alerting you to potential danger. As Christians, God has placed us in the world as reflectors to influence our world for righteousness.
Read the story 2 Corinthians 4:6-18
Reflecting the light of the Son – (2 Cor. 4:6)
“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”
Even though we sometimes go through hard and perplexing times, we are not crushed nor left in despair. Even though we may be persecuted and struck down, we are never abandoned nor destroyed.
Our dark times are simply an occasion to reflect the light of God’s glory to the world around us. Like the moon reflecting the light of the sun at night, how we respond in dark times, is a testimony to the world that God is still working. Seeing the sun shine upon the moon in the darkness of night always assures us that the sun is still shining even though the sun itself is out of sight.
Verse 18 “Therefore, we do not lose heart.” Dark times won’t cause us to lose heart when we have confidence that God is still working and we understand that our momentary troubles are achieving an eternal glory that is far greater than any discomfort we may have endured.
Jesus called us to be light to our world. (Matt. 5:16) Make a list of practical ways you can reflect the light of the Jesus the Son to your world of friends and acquaintances in this present darkness.