Transformation in the Light – Day 7 – Transformation of Faith

As we continue to move through the darkness of conflicting opinions about the effect that this pandemic is having upon our world’s health and economic stability, fear and panic have been the dominate driver of many people’s responses and actions. The more we allow fear and panic to drive us, the more paralyzed we become. Not only must we walk in understanding of the power of God but we must understand His heart, as well.

Read the Story Mark 1:40–45

The man begged Jesus to heal him saying, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus filled with compassion touched him saying, “I am willing. Be clean.” Immediately, the leprosy left the man and he was cured.

This man understood the power of Jesus but failed to understand the heart of Jesus. Because he didn’t understand the heart of Jesus he questioned Jesus’ willingness. Jesus transformed this man’s faith by touching him with compassion and assuring him, I am willing. Faith is transformed not by some mental exercise of trying harder to believe something, but rather by a confident trust in the love and commitment of God. Whatever circumstances we may endure in this present darkness, we can trust God’s commitment and love. He is not only powerful enough to see us through our darkness, He is willing to give us what we need to thrive in the midst of it.

The Apostle John, writing to Christians near the end of the first century who were facing great times of persecution, addressed their fears in I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” Just as light dispels darkness, so likewise love dispels fear. When we understand God’s love for us and His commitment to carry us through difficult times, fear will be overwhelmed with confident trust produced by our security in God’s faithfulness and love.

Using a Bible concordance list several verses, meaningful to you, that assure you of God’s love which in turn gives you a security that calms your fears and enhances your faith.