One of the most unlikely people in the early days of Christianity to advance the Gospel was Saul of Tarsus. He not only gave his approval of the stoning death of Stephen but he relentlessly sought to arrest and kill the followers of Christ. Then, one day on a mission to Damascus to carry out his plan to persecute the Christians he encountered the Light of Christ.
Read the story Acts 9:1-30
Saul, a zealous persecutor of the early church, was intercepted by the light of Jesus, while on his way to Damascus to arrest the Christians in that city. This encounter with Christ’s Light resulted in a total transformation of Saul the persecutor turning him into Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ. The Jews in Damascus were astonished that the one who previously had raised havoc among the Christian community was now proving that Jesus was the Christ with great power and persuasion.
Several years later when Paul was standing trial before Governor Festus and King Agrippa, Paul related the details of his encounter with Christ the Light. The brightness of the light blinded Saul and the voice of Jesus spoke, “I appeared to you to appoint you as a servant and as a witness of what you have seen of me and what I will show you. I am sending you to open eyes and to turn people from darkness to light…” (Acts 26:16 – 18) This man who had been an operative of the kingdom of darkness became an agent of God’s kingdom of Light establishing churches throughout Asia Minor and writing 2/3rd of the New Testament. Only when we focus on the Light of Jesus instead of the darkness of circumstances are we transformed into useful vessels in God’s kingdom.
Each day, for the next 5 days, ask Jesus to shine His light upon your dark circumstances and to show you how He can use it to transform your faith and life.