It’s hard to see past the present darkness when there are so many unanswered questions and conflicting opinions. Will this ever end? Will there be new outbreaks once restrictions are lifted? Will we ever return to normal? All the unknowns are like a ton of bricks weighing us down stealing our motivation and draining our energy. Blind Bartimaeus was a product of this kind of dilemma. Healing came when he understood that Jesus was his only solution.
Read the story Mark 10:46-52
Bartimaeus lived in the darkness of being physically blind. His blindness turned him into a roadside beggar. When he heard that Jesus was passing by, he began to shout, “Jesus, have mercy on me.” Many in the crowd around him tried to quiet him. But he shouted all the more to get the attention of Jesus. Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do. The blind man replied, “I want to see.” Jesus simply said, “Go, your faith has healed you.” Immediately, this man whose life had been full of darkness could see the beauty of the world around him!
Last summer, I took my grand kids to an underground cavern. When in the deepest part of the cavern, the tour guide turned off the lights and it became totally black. You could not see even your hand when you held it close in front of your face. After being in total darkness for a few minutes, the tour guide turned on some ultra violet lights and the rock formations came alive with magnificent color and beauty.
What couldn’t be seen or comprehended in natural light became beautiful in the darkness with ultraviolet light revealing its beauty. Likewise, we may be going through dark circumstances, but the Ultra Light of God’s presence reveals beauty that natural light cannot reveal.
Franklin Roosevelt in his inauguration address in 1933, with the country in the depths of the Great Depression, made this statement to the nation. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” Roosevelt understood that the main driver of the Great Depression was fear. And until the nation dealt with their fear they would remain paralyzed and unable to advance to a better day.
Fear can be blinding and paralyzing. Let the Ultra Light of God shine into your darkness transforming your vision and motivating you toward advancement in His provision and grace.
Like Bartimaeus, cry out to Jesus with your concerns and questions giving them over to Him. Allow Jesus to open your eyes to the opportunities around you to be a blessing to others and to advance the glory of His Kingdom.