Transformation in the Light – Day 2 – Transformation of David’s Confidence

This song written by David in dark circumstances expresses the confidence he gained by focusing on God’s Light when circumstances seemed overwhelming. In this dark time in David’s life his enemies were constantly pursuing him (v. 2 & 3) and he sometimes felt abandoned and alone (v. 4). It was a time of loneliness away from family, as well (v. 10) and he was being subjected to slander and false accusations (v.12). In the midst of his darkness, David focused upon the Light of God’s glory.

Read the story Psalm 27:1-14

David’s confidence in the Light – Psalm 27:1 & 2
“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.”
He recognized that with God on his side he didn’t have to fear anything or anyone, His God was greater than them all. Focusing on the Light produced a faith and confidence in David to face his dark circumstances without fear. David understood that his ability to survive and overcome dark times was directly related to his pursuit of gazing upon the Lord’s majesty and glory and his commitment to seeking God’s presence. “For in the day of trouble He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a Rock.” (vs. 5).

The powers of darkness are not to be feared, for the Lord our Light, destroys the darkness. The Lord is our salvation (deliverance); the Lord is the strength of our lives and because of those two truths we have confidence that He will not leave us in darkness but will bring us into the land of His goodness, life and faithful provision. (vs. 13) When I walk in the Light of His glory and presence I have confidence in the face of whatever life may hurl against me.

Take a walk tonight in the dark. Walk the first leg of your walk without light of any kind. Turn around and walk back with a flashlight illuminating the way. Which way gave you the most confidence? Psalm 119:105 tells us “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” God’s Word shines light upon the pathway to take us through the darkness to safety.

Make a list of issues in which your present darkness is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Beside each overwhelming thing on your list write a promise of Scripture that gives you confidence to face that circumstance.

Transformation in the Light – Day 1 – Transformation of David’s Power and Authority

David, a shepherd boy, was transformed into a mighty warrior king through a number of dark circumstances in which he experienced God’s light and glory.

II Samuel 22 is a song sung to God by King David when the Lord delivered him from the hands of Saul who tried desperately to kill him. For David, fleeing for his life from Saul was a time of great darkness and was highly stressful. But in that time of darkness David learned a great deal about God as well as a great deal about himself.

Read the Story II Samuel 22:1–7 & 29–36 (The song covers the entire chapter and is certainly worth reading, but for this devotional I want to focus on these two portions)

David’s source of power – II Sam. 22:29
“You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.”

In the midst of deep distress David began to sing in his darkness. By singing in his darkness, David learned several important truths. David learned that with God’s help he could advance against the forces set against him (vs. 30). He learned that God was more than enough (vs. 31-32). He learned that God armed him with strength and enabled him to stand (Vs. 33 -34). He learned that God was making him greater than the dark circumstances he faced. (Vs. 35 -36)
Our dark experiences are opportunities to learn who God is and who we are in Him. Darkness does not last forever, there is always a new day dawning. And in that new day we live in a new dimension of the power and the victory of God. He turns our darkness into light. He stoops down to make us great.

Sing a song of your own making or one you already know expressing to the Lord who He is and who you are in Him.

Miracles in the Darkness – Day 10

Paul and Silas were in prison in Philippi singing praises to the Lord at midnight when God sent an earthquake to break them out of prison.

Read the story Acts 16:16-40

Paul and Silas in jail – Acts 16:25 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.”
Not only was it a miracle of deliverance from prison but it was a miracle of the jailer and his family getting saved. God often uses our times of darkness not only for a miracle for us but a miracle for others as well. I believe the key to Paul and Silas’ miracle was linked to their ability to pray and sing in the midst of their darkness.

Sing a song of praise and thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness to you in spite of the darkness you may be going through. Bad things often happen in the dark. But Jesus promised, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

In these days of uncertainty we serve a God who invades the darkness with the light of His glory and the power of His presence and love. May His light shine upon you today and give you peace.

Miracles in the Darkness – Day 9

After the ascension of Jesus, persecution of the early church began to greatly increase. James, the brother of John was put to death by the sword and Peter was arrested with the intent of killing him also. But because it was the time of the Passover, Peter was placed in prison chained between two soldiers.

Read the story Acts 12:1-17

Peter in jail – Acts 12:6 “The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.”
The church was praying for Peter’s release and it was at night while Peter was sleeping that God did an unbelievable miracle. Peter didn’t even believe it himself at first. And when he went to the house where the church was praying for his release, they couldn’t believe it either.
God is ready to do the unbelievable in answer to the prayers of His people.

Keep a prayer journal of your request of God. Mark the date of your request and then the date of the answer and how God miraculously came through for you.

Miracles in the Darkness – Day 8

Satan tried his best to extinguish the Light by having Jesus crucified. Darkness covered the land for three hours even though it was the middle of the day. Jesus was buried and for three days and nights it appeared to His disciples that all hope was gone.

Read the story Matthew 27:27-54

The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus – Matthew 27:45 “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.”
Jesus died in darkness, He willingly laid down His life for the forgiveness of our sin. The great miracle of redemption and His love for us to willingly bear our shame took place in the dark. Three days later, (John20:1) “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw the stone had been removed from the entrance.” His resurrection from the dead ushered in the beginning of a new day.

No matter how dark and hopeless our circumstance may seem, God is at work in the darkness and His promise is resurrection. David wrote in Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may remain for a night but joy comes in the morning.”

Get up early tomorrow morning and watch the sun rise over the Mesa. As the light of the sun dispel the darkness say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for His Son rise in you.