Transformation in the Light – Day 1 – Transformation of David’s Power and Authority

David, a shepherd boy, was transformed into a mighty warrior king through a number of dark circumstances in which he experienced God’s light and glory.

II Samuel 22 is a song sung to God by King David when the Lord delivered him from the hands of Saul who tried desperately to kill him. For David, fleeing for his life from Saul was a time of great darkness and was highly stressful. But in that time of darkness David learned a great deal about God as well as a great deal about himself.

Read the Story II Samuel 22:1–7 & 29–36 (The song covers the entire chapter and is certainly worth reading, but for this devotional I want to focus on these two portions)

David’s source of power – II Sam. 22:29
“You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.”

In the midst of deep distress David began to sing in his darkness. By singing in his darkness, David learned several important truths. David learned that with God’s help he could advance against the forces set against him (vs. 30). He learned that God was more than enough (vs. 31-32). He learned that God armed him with strength and enabled him to stand (Vs. 33 -34). He learned that God was making him greater than the dark circumstances he faced. (Vs. 35 -36)
Our dark experiences are opportunities to learn who God is and who we are in Him. Darkness does not last forever, there is always a new day dawning. And in that new day we live in a new dimension of the power and the victory of God. He turns our darkness into light. He stoops down to make us great.

Sing a song of your own making or one you already know expressing to the Lord who He is and who you are in Him.