Miracles in the Darkness – Day 8

Satan tried his best to extinguish the Light by having Jesus crucified. Darkness covered the land for three hours even though it was the middle of the day. Jesus was buried and for three days and nights it appeared to His disciples that all hope was gone.

Read the story Matthew 27:27-54

The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus – Matthew 27:45 “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land.”
Jesus died in darkness, He willingly laid down His life for the forgiveness of our sin. The great miracle of redemption and His love for us to willingly bear our shame took place in the dark. Three days later, (John20:1) “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw the stone had been removed from the entrance.” His resurrection from the dead ushered in the beginning of a new day.

No matter how dark and hopeless our circumstance may seem, God is at work in the darkness and His promise is resurrection. David wrote in Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may remain for a night but joy comes in the morning.”

Get up early tomorrow morning and watch the sun rise over the Mesa. As the light of the sun dispel the darkness say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for His Son rise in you.