Transformation in the Light – Day 5 – Transformation of David’s Trust

The title of Psalm 56 reads, “A miktan of David when the Philistines had seized him at Gath.” It was a dark time of David fleeing for his life as Saul pursued him to kill him (56:1=2). Not only was Saul trying to kill David, but in fleeing from Saul, David went to Gath, a city of the Philistines, which was the home town of the giant and fearsome warrior Goliath whom David had killed in a previous encounter. David thought Achish, the king of Gath, would protect him from Saul. But David had miscalculated the hatred and wrath of the town’s people toward him for defeating their hero. David pretended to be insane so that the king would send him away. (I Sam 21:13)

Read the story I Samuel 21:10-15 & Psalm 56

In David’s deep distress he cries out to God for mercy. While he is afraid, he resolves to trust God and not allow fear to control him. Fearful suggestions are persistent so David reminds himself two more times of his resolve to trust God (56:4 & 11). He sums up this experience with the concluding verse Psalm 56:13. “For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.”

In the midst of his darkness, David initially tried to handle it on his own. But it didn’t take long for him to figure out that he needed God’s mercy and deliverance. He resolved to trust God and he resisted the fear that tried to dominate him. Trusting the Light instead of fearing the darkness delivers us from a living death and keeps our feet from stumbling.

Memorize Proverbs 3:5 & 6 “Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”

Transformation in the Light – Day 4 – Transformation of David’s Hope

The feelings of hopelessness can be debilitating and devastating. David’s hope was being challenged with feelings of being misunderstood (Ps. 43:1) and sometimes even feelings of being forsaken (Ps. 43:2). He wondered why he had to endure so much uncertainty and why he had to endure it for so long. He longed to experience the presence of God.

Read the story Psalm 42:1-11 & Psalm 43:1-5

Psalm 43 is believed to be a continuation of Psalm 42. In Psalm 42 David expresses a driving hunger for the presence of God (42:1 & 2). And he reminisces about times of joy and festivity in the house of God. In 42:9 & 10 he expresses bewilderment about why he feels abandoned and why there seems to be no end to his enemies’ oppression.

In the midst of these dark circumstances and feelings, David asks God to send His Light of truth to shine into his darkness so that it would guide him back into intimacy and fellowship with God (43:3). He recognized that in the Light of God’s presence there is always hope and that God’s light dispels depression and fear (43:5). In the midst of being downcast and discouraged, David focused on the light of hope instead of focusing on the darkness of his circumstance. He determined that in spite of the darkness, he would praise his Savior and God (43:5)

Say a prayer asking the Lord to shine His light into your darkness and then make a deliberate choice to praise and worship God no matter how you may feel. His light will dispel depression and fear and give you hope.

Transformation in the Light – Day 3 – Transformation of David’s Peace

In today’s Psalms, David shares a time of darkness in his experience when he felt criticized and rejected by those who had been his supporters and friends. His son Absalom had conspired to usurp David’s throne and dispose of him as king.

Read the story Psalm 3:1-8 & Psalm 4:1-8

David’s peace in the midst of darkness – Psalm 3:5 & 6 with Psalm 4:8
“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.”
I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

As hurtful and as painful as David’s circumstances were, he had peace in the midst of it because he understood the commitment of God’s presence. Even though many were telling him God wouldn’t deliver him, David had faith that God heard him and would answer his prayers. In the face of hurtful comments and rejection, David took delight in the light of God’s face shining upon him. (4:6)

David’s peace and sleep was a sleep of holy confidence in knowing the commitment of God. David didn’t necessarily know how it was all going to end, but he knew he could trust the commitment of the One who held his future in His Almighty hands. We may not know how this present darkness is going to end, but we do know Who holds us and our future in His loving hands.

Tonight when you lie down to sleep say a prayer of thanksgiving rejoicing in God’s commitment to you and your future. Allow God’s peace to fill you with security and joy.

Transformation in the Light – Day 2 – Transformation of David’s Confidence

This song written by David in dark circumstances expresses the confidence he gained by focusing on God’s Light when circumstances seemed overwhelming. In this dark time in David’s life his enemies were constantly pursuing him (v. 2 & 3) and he sometimes felt abandoned and alone (v. 4). It was a time of loneliness away from family, as well (v. 10) and he was being subjected to slander and false accusations (v.12). In the midst of his darkness, David focused upon the Light of God’s glory.

Read the story Psalm 27:1-14

David’s confidence in the Light – Psalm 27:1 & 2
“The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear?” The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then will I be confident.”
He recognized that with God on his side he didn’t have to fear anything or anyone, His God was greater than them all. Focusing on the Light produced a faith and confidence in David to face his dark circumstances without fear. David understood that his ability to survive and overcome dark times was directly related to his pursuit of gazing upon the Lord’s majesty and glory and his commitment to seeking God’s presence. “For in the day of trouble He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a Rock.” (vs. 5).

The powers of darkness are not to be feared, for the Lord our Light, destroys the darkness. The Lord is our salvation (deliverance); the Lord is the strength of our lives and because of those two truths we have confidence that He will not leave us in darkness but will bring us into the land of His goodness, life and faithful provision. (vs. 13) When I walk in the Light of His glory and presence I have confidence in the face of whatever life may hurl against me.

Take a walk tonight in the dark. Walk the first leg of your walk without light of any kind. Turn around and walk back with a flashlight illuminating the way. Which way gave you the most confidence? Psalm 119:105 tells us “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” God’s Word shines light upon the pathway to take us through the darkness to safety.

Make a list of issues in which your present darkness is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Beside each overwhelming thing on your list write a promise of Scripture that gives you confidence to face that circumstance.

Transformation in the Light – Day 1 – Transformation of David’s Power and Authority

David, a shepherd boy, was transformed into a mighty warrior king through a number of dark circumstances in which he experienced God’s light and glory.

II Samuel 22 is a song sung to God by King David when the Lord delivered him from the hands of Saul who tried desperately to kill him. For David, fleeing for his life from Saul was a time of great darkness and was highly stressful. But in that time of darkness David learned a great deal about God as well as a great deal about himself.

Read the Story II Samuel 22:1–7 & 29–36 (The song covers the entire chapter and is certainly worth reading, but for this devotional I want to focus on these two portions)

David’s source of power – II Sam. 22:29
“You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light.”

In the midst of deep distress David began to sing in his darkness. By singing in his darkness, David learned several important truths. David learned that with God’s help he could advance against the forces set against him (vs. 30). He learned that God was more than enough (vs. 31-32). He learned that God armed him with strength and enabled him to stand (Vs. 33 -34). He learned that God was making him greater than the dark circumstances he faced. (Vs. 35 -36)
Our dark experiences are opportunities to learn who God is and who we are in Him. Darkness does not last forever, there is always a new day dawning. And in that new day we live in a new dimension of the power and the victory of God. He turns our darkness into light. He stoops down to make us great.

Sing a song of your own making or one you already know expressing to the Lord who He is and who you are in Him.