In today’s Psalms, David shares a time of darkness in his experience when he felt criticized and rejected by those who had been his supporters and friends. His son Absalom had conspired to usurp David’s throne and dispose of him as king.
Read the story Psalm 3:1-8 & Psalm 4:1-8
David’s peace in the midst of darkness – Psalm 3:5 & 6 with Psalm 4:8
“I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.”
I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
As hurtful and as painful as David’s circumstances were, he had peace in the midst of it because he understood the commitment of God’s presence. Even though many were telling him God wouldn’t deliver him, David had faith that God heard him and would answer his prayers. In the face of hurtful comments and rejection, David took delight in the light of God’s face shining upon him. (4:6)
David’s peace and sleep was a sleep of holy confidence in knowing the commitment of God. David didn’t necessarily know how it was all going to end, but he knew he could trust the commitment of the One who held his future in His Almighty hands. We may not know how this present darkness is going to end, but we do know Who holds us and our future in His loving hands.
Tonight when you lie down to sleep say a prayer of thanksgiving rejoicing in God’s commitment to you and your future. Allow God’s peace to fill you with security and joy.