Spiritual Confidence Day Seven: Hold Unswervingly to Hope

The writer of the book of Hebrews reminded his readers in chapter 10 of the confidence we have to enter God’s presence through the blood of Jesus (v.19) and the assurance of faith we have to draw near to God (v.22) so we can hold unswervingly to hope because of God’s faithfulness (v.23).

Read the Story: Hebrews 10:19-39

These Hebrew Christians had stood their ground in the face of suffering (v.32). They had been publicly exposed to insults and persecution (v. 33). Many had been imprisoned, bodily mistreated, and their property confiscated (v.34). Because of confusing circumstances some had lost their spiritual confidence.

The writer encourages them, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” (Vs. 35-36). Many Christians throw away their confidence about God’s goodness and faithfulness when they find themselves in difficult and painful situations. They allow the confusion of circumstances to cloud their thinking. They allow Satan’s lies to consume their minds and his fears to overwhelm their emotions.

The key to receiving God’s provision is learning to maintain one’s spiritual confidence. The very next chapter (Hebrews chapter 11) enumerates a long list of spiritual heroes whom God sustained through all kinds of difficulties and sorrows, in spite of their not understanding their circumstance, because they refused to throw away their confidence in God holding unswervingly to their faith and hope.

The year 2020 has been a difficult year in many ways. COVID-19 has caused a total disruption of our normal activities. We’ve been forced to quarantine, stay at home, social distance, isolate ourselves, and close schools and businesses. Many people have lost their jobs, the economy has been unstable flexing up and down. There have been natural disasters, hurricanes, tornados, forest fires with devastating destruction.

There have been protest and social unrest with riots in major cities. Everything that can be shaken seems to be being shaken. Consequently, many Christians have thrown away their confidence and lost their faith. The uncertainty of things has overwhelmed many and filled them with fear and confusion. I don’t know what further difficulties we may have to face in 2020. Things might get worse, but whatever happens, we have an anchor for our soul. We can cling to Him and He will sustain us empowering us to stand firm enduring to the end.


Make a list of your own heroes of faith, people you know, people who have been an encouragement and inspiration to you as you have observed them enduring hardship, suffering, and difficult times. Take time to tell them the inspiration and encouragement they have been to you.