The author of the book of Hebrews in chapter 11 gives illustration after illustration of men and women who endured torture, hardship, rejection and all kinds of disappointing and confusing circumstances. They endured because of faith, they clung to the anchor of their soul with confidence that He would see them through. In chapter 12 we are admonished to learn from their examples of perseverance.
Read the Story: Hebrews 12:1-3
In this portion of scripture we are given several practical actions to pursue that will enable us to maintain and nourish our confidence in confusing times.
1. “Throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” (v.1).
Just as a runner wears light weight and unrestrictive clothing, so we are to remove thoughts and attitudes that tend to encumber us tripping us up and weighing us down.
2. Run with perseverance the race before us. (v.1).
Don’t allow confusion to discourage you and cause you to give up, rather, keep pressing forward in the strength of Christ. He will give you what you need.
3. Fix your eyes on Jesus (v.2).
Look away from all distractions keeping your focus on Jesus and His example of enduring the suffering of the cross.
4. Do not grow weary and lose heart. (v.3)
Don’t waste your energy on worry and fear, rather encourage yourself in the fact that the same grace of God that brought Jesus through all that He suffered will likewise bring you through all that you face, as well.
5. As children of God, be receptive to His discipline. (vs.5-11)
Recognize He is shaping you into His likeness. He is growing you into spiritual maturity and fruitfulness
6. Strength your feeble arms and weak knees. (v.12)
Don’t mope around in self pity, rather admit you weaknesses and put forth the effort to exercise those spiritual muscles to become strong. Set an example for others to follow by their observing the straight paths you have chosen. (v.13).
These six actions will produce boldness and courage and the confidence to endure knowing God is using what we are going through for His glory and for our growth.
Write a paragraph on how you see practicing these six actions would produce spiritual confidence in you.