Spiritual Confidence Day One: Endurance

Jesus knew that when circumstance become difficult and confusing that it would be essential for His followers to maintain a strong spiritual confidence in order to endure.

Read the story: Mark 13:3-13

The disciples had asked Jesus about the signs of His coming at the end of the age. In answering their questions Jesus gave them four instructions for surviving those days which would be confusing and difficult causing many to fall away.

1. First, He told them, Don’t be misled. (vs.5)
There will be many opinions and false claims which will deceive many. Don’t jump on the band wagon of every speculation and prophetic claim that comes along. Be grounded in God’s Word and sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

2. Second, Jesus told them, Don’t panic. (Vs.7)
When you hear and see frightening conditions don’t be alarmed, these are simply the beginning of birth pains. Don’t give place to fear; don’t allow these conditions to confuse or overwhelm you. These are necessary in order to prepare the world for Jesus’ return.

3. Third, Jesus told them, Be on guard. (vs.9)
Be alert and watch for opportunities to use the circumstances to share your faith and to minister hope to others. Be tuned-in to the heart of God, He has purposes for what you are going through.

4. Fourthly, Jesus told them, Stand firm. (vs.13)
Endure to the end, bare up, patiently persevere empowered by the Holy Spirit, remain strong in God’s strength.

Ask the Lord to show you opportunities in our present difficult conditions where He can use you to witness and minister hope to others around you.