Miracles in the Darkness – Day 2

In Noah’s day, sin had become so rampant throughout the earth that “every inclination of the thoughts of men’s hearts were only evil continually,” And the Lord was grieved that He had made humanity and His heart was filled with pain.

Read the Story: Genesis 6:5-22

Noah – Gen 7:12
“Rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.”

God provided safety for Noah and his family in the midst of devastating and unrelenting destruction all around them. While the darkness and flooding rains raged on for forty days and nights destroying everything on earth, Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe inside the Ark with everything they needed to sustain them for the duration of the flood.
Psalm 46:1 declares, “God is our refuge and strength; an ever present help in trouble.” When a darkness floods over our circumstances and it seems that everything will be destroyed, Jesus is our Ark of Safety enabling us to ride above the storms. As our Ark, He is steadfast, secure and unsinkable! God established a covenant with Noah and his descendents that never again would there be a flood that would destroy the earth and He set a rainbow in the clouds as a reminder of that promise. (Gen. 9:13)

On a piece of paper draw a rainbow and beneath the rainbow list your present circumstances that seem threatening to you. God’s promise is that they will not destroy you as you rest in Jesus your Ark of safety.

Miracles in the Darkness – Day 1

Throughout history God’s people have experienced uncertain times when they wondered where God was and how they could survive the circumstances they were facing. They went through famines, pestilences, devastating wars, persecutions and the oppressions of hostile nations. And because of the darkness of their circumstance they often couldn’t see how God was working. But some of God’s greatest work is done in the dark.

Each day we will look at a dark time in scripture and observe how God was working in the midst of the darkness providing life, blessings, miraculous provision and protection for His people.

Read the Story: Genesis 1:1-31

Creation – Gen 1:2
“Now the earth was formless and empty; darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.”

Out of chaos and emptiness God created our magnificent solar system. He simply spoke, and it was so. When God speaks everything jumps into proper response; worlds form, life comes into existence, nature obeys, nothing can resist the power of what He speaks.
God is still speaking today, He is at work in every aspect of our lives even those areas that seem disjointed and purposeless. When He speaks the power of His Word causes light to dispels our darkness, and He fills us with life and His creative victory.

Tonight, go outside and gaze at the stars and ponder the magnificence of God our creator and the awesomeness of His power that enabled Him to speak it all into existence and to sustain it all by the power of His word. And then listen as He speaks His creative Words to you and the circumstance of your need. Keep a journal of what you feel He is speaking and allow Him to confirm it in the Bible, His eternal word.